Fluctus: awarded contract by EUMETSAT – Sentinel-3 MWR L2 Evolution Study

Informus GMBH supported by Fluctus SAS has been awarded a contract by EUMETSAT on Sentinel-3 MWR L2 Evolution study.
The AMTROC activity will consist on a 9-month study to provide scientific development, prototyping, validation and quality definition for Copernicus Sentinel-3 Microwave Radiometer (MWR) Total Column Water Vapour (TCWV), Wet Tropospheric Correction (WTC) and Liquid Water Path (LWP) products. The MWR has two microwave channels similar to those onboard ERS-1/2 and Envisat.
The objective is to implement and validate a 1D-Var retrieval of
TCWV, WTC and LWP for Sentinel-3 MWR.
The proposed approach will allow for a physical retrieval of the three above properties, including a-posteriori retrieval uncertainties for all parameters.
This study will take benefit for the work previously performed on ERS-1, ERS-2 and Envisat.
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